About Us

 Free Weather Data puts quality weather data in your hands, 

very well detailed data since 1961.

 We are immensely proud of our meteorological data that were created to improve

people's free access to data significant weather from around the world.

As the 1st meteorological service free internet, we are proud

to share more data with more people for free.

About free weather data

General output formats

Standard :Standard format with global radiation, diffuse radiation, 

radiation on inclined plane, direct normal radiation and temperature

Meteo : Format with standard meteorological parameters (only monthly values)

Standard minute :Format for minute models with global radiation, 

diffuse radiation, radiation on inclined plane, direct normal radiation,

 clearsky radiation, temperature and wind speed

Humidity :Format with humidity parameters

Spectral/UV :Format with UVA/B/E radiation parameters

Standard/opt :Format to calculate the optimal tilt and azimuth of a plane 

(optimal for yearly yield, only monthly values

weather data Free

Output formats for PV simulations

PVSOL :Format for simulation tool PVSOL (Valentin)

PVSyst :Format for simulation tool PVSyst

Polysun :Format for simulation tool Polysun (Vela Solaris)

Meteo matrix :Meteo matrix format (SUPSI)

Output formats for building simulations

TRNSYS Format for simulation tool TRNSYS

HELIOS-PC Format for simulation tool HELIOS-PC

DOE Format for simulation tool DOE-2

SIA 380/1 SIA 380/1 Format (only monthly values) [SIA = Swiss Society of 

Engineers and Arcitects]

SIA 2028 Format according SIA 2028 "Merkblatt" (Swiss test reference year format)

LESOSAI Format for simulation tool Lesosai (monthly values)

Energyplus Format for simulation tool Energyplus (EPW format)

Dynbil Format for simulation tool Dynbil

PHPP/Wave Format for simulation tool PHPP (< version 8) and Wave

PHPP 8 Format for simulation tool PHPP (version 8)

WUFI/WAC Format for simulation tool WUFI / WAC

IDA/ICE Format for simulation tool IDA/ICE

IBK-CCM Format for simulation tool IBK-CCM

VIP-Energy Format of simulation tool VIP-Energy (Strusoft)

Pleiades/Comfie Format for simulation tool Pleiades/Comfie

Output formats for solar thermal simulations

TSOL Format for simulation tool TSOL (Valentin)

Polysun Format for simulation tool Polysun (Vela Solaris)

Solar-Ripp Format for simulation tool of Solar-Ripp

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